
year-round comfort

A geothermal heat pump system is ideal for many municipal applications such as city and county buildings, recreation centers and schools. A lot of older buildings are in need of HVAC upgrades at a time when budgets are struggling to keep pace with day-to-day expenses. At the same time, warmer weather in late summer is leading some schools without air conditioning to consider delaying the start of the school year.

Key Benefits

A geothermal heat pump system uses the near-constant 55° temperature of the earth to heat buildings in the winter and cool them in the summer. The system can heat building water by diverting excess heat and can also be zoned so that individual rooms can control their own temperatures, accounting for exposure to the sun or the lack thereof. GHPs also have few moving parts and long life spans, decreasing maintenance costs significantly.

How we work with municipalities:

PanTerra Energy offers Thermal Purchase Agreements (TPAs) that provide a no-cost option to retrofit many municipal buildings with a super-efficient GHPs. This system can drastically reduce electricity and gas needs, provide zoned, constant-temperature learning or working environments and also guarantee the energy provided will cost less than similar electric rates from your current utility. We also offer unique bond-like financing options that allow tax-exempt or 501(c)(3) organizations to greatly reduce the initial capital cost to install a GHPs.

Get Started Now

The PanTerra 10-step Process:

1. Initial meeting

PanTerra will conduct an initial meeting to discuss the energy needs and goals that are unique to each project.

2. Feasibility study

With information provided at the initial meeting, PanTerra will complete a feasibility study that outlines the scope of the project.

3. System design and operational simulation

If a GHPs is recommended for the project, an initial design will be developed illustrating how the system will work.

4. Financial modeling

At this stage, a financial model will be built to determine estimated up-front costs, energy savings and contract length and terms.

5. Construction timeline

A construction timeline is developed to ensure that it works within a project’s existing usage or construction schedules.

6. Contract executed

A formal contract is agreed to by both parties for all aspects of the project: construction, energy contract term and system buyout provisions.

7. Construction begins

PanTerra will handle all aspects of the system permitting, construction and installation.

8. System integration

At this stage the geothermal loop field is connected to the heat pump system and prepared for testing.

9. System testing

PanTerra will perform a complete system test to verify installation and performance guidelines have been achieved.

10. System is ready

You are now ready to start enjoying year-round comfort at much cheaper costs than your old HVAC system.